Why Pets Are So Very Good For Your Health


So many people are reluctant to have a pet, in particular indoors, because they are afraid of catching parasites, or diseases from them. But the opposite is actually true: Having a pet has been shown to actually improve your health, both physically AND mentally - unless you have a frank allergy of course and then that really is sad.

Man and animal have lived together since time began - and whilst oftentimes, they were considered beasts of burden, who wouldn’t ultimately fall in love with a big brown pair of horsey (or puppy) eyes?

And now science confirms this:

  1. Studies show that just stroking a pet actually boosts our oxytocin levels. Also known as the "bonding hormone" or "cuddle chemical," oxytocin enhances social skills, decreases blood pressure and heart rate, boosts immune function and raises tolerance for pain. It also lowers stress, anger and depression. it’s the hormone that is also released when a mother breast feeds her child ~ it’s actually responsible for the let-down reflex. Oxytocin is also released at orgasm - makes sense - it helps us feel closer to our loved ones!

  2. Owning a pet can decrease our risk of cardiovascular disease! This could be just because we get out with them in the great outdoors and that in itself is great for our hearts. But studies do show that owning a pet is great for lowering blood pressure and even helping with cholesterol levels.

  3. Having a pet increases you all- time longevity: A recent Swedish study found that if a person living on their own acquired a dog, they decreased their risk of death by 33% - now if that were a drug……...#justsaying.

  4. If you don’t have a frank allergy to an animal, they will actually help boost your immune system and may help protect you against autoimmune disease. Why? because, as I have written about before in my nature post - our immune system loves a challenge and when it has something to do, it will concentrate on THAT rather than on attacking itself, or you, or that daisy blossom that you smelt on the way to work. Again, humans and animals have lived amongst each other since time began, so I would imagine that we were meant to be together. It’s possibly something to do with sharing the microbes that they bring into our homes. In our super clean lives, we have lost many our tiny friends - maybe pets are one of the ways we can bring them back again. Many people think that owning, in particular a cat, will worsen asthma. That may be the case if the pet is introduced later. But a study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology found that newborns who live with cats have a lower risk of childhood asthma, pneumonia and bronchiolitis. How cool is that?

  5. Pets seem to also help children with autism or on the ASD spectrum. They also help with their social skills. Now this may be due to everything that I have mentioned previously: oxytocin, the microbes etc. But look at the Amish - very low rates of autism, (and asthma, and anaphylaxis…..) and they live in very close proximity to their animals. Of course it may be a range of things, but maybe animals may play a part here.

  6. Those who own a pet have lower rates of depression and even suicide. Again, it probably has everything to do with hormones, bugs, exercise etc etc. But it could also be something to do with having to be responsible for another life. And besides that, how many of us find that our pets are the best therapists? Because they will listen and agree with their big expressive eyes and then, if you own a dog, give you a big slurpy kiss to make it all better. Bonus - also great for your microbiome. There is an increasing trend towards having therapy dogs in homes for the elderly and even boarding schools etc.

  7. Pets can help decrease pain levels. Studies show that those with fibromyalgia reported a 34% reduction in aches and pains when acquiring a pet.

  8. Owning a pet can help us combat PTSD and even decrease episodes of schizophrenia. It may have something to do with being responsible for another human being, as mentioned above, or even having those puppy, or feline ears that listen to you.

  9. Pets can even sniff out cancer. Dogs have detected cancer in their owners and studies are now proving this.

  10. Are you an introvert? Are you having trouble meeting people? Buy a dog and take it for a regular walk. Soon you will have met most of the dog owners that also take their pups for a walk where you do. And oftentimes, even other people will want to stop and pat your pup. Dog owners are seen as more trustworthy and responsible. We have all heard the stories of couples that have met whilst walking their dogs - seems like there may be some truth in it after all.


So it DOES seem that the best medicine may indeed be to get a pet. And that’s the reason that Chiquita comes to the clinic every day - she has an uncanny ability to detect if someone needs her special cuddles and inevitably will make their day brighter - on ya Cheeks, you are the best 🐾

Chiquita now has her own Instagram page - if you want to follow her.

Just click on the link


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